Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate

Case Confidentiality & Consent

Behavioral health, physical health, reproductive health, addiction services…these are all services accessed by the clients in our care. But are the confidentiality and consent laws the same for all of


What exactly is ADHD?  Is it just hyperactivity?  Difficulty focusing?  An excuse for misbehavior? ADHD is one of the most widely diagnosed disorders, yet it is often one of the

Trauma and Medication

This course will explore trauma-informed care, types and uses of psychotropic medications, and the role of the resource parent. Learning Objectives: (1) Understand the significance of brain development in children

The Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

The federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014 requires states to implement a “reasonable and prudent parenting standard” that gives resource caregivers the ability to make important