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Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate

Our Services

As thought leaders, PCCYFS supports continuous improvement within our collective system of services and strives to identify best practices that will achieve the most positive outcomes for the safety and well-being of children and families. PCCYFS offers member-driven solutions, education and professional development, and advocacy to its members in order to advance our field.

Member-Driven Solutions

Workgroups and Committees

Each of our members has valuable insight to contribute as we identify issues, develop data-informed solutions, and promote best practices. PCCYFS members find great value in statewide and regional workgroups that address critical issues pertaining to agency operations and viability. These communities of practice provide excellent opportunities to elevate our field and develop solutions to benefit our agencies and the clients they serve. PCCYFS uses these discussions, proven solutions, and quality data to advise state and local decision makers.


Members network and learn from one another both regionally and statewide. Through special events, workgroups, trainings, committees, regional councils, meetings, e-mail groups, and our members-only website, our members know they are never alone when facing a challenge. These forums also allow members to share unique solutions.


Through relationships with state and local officials, PCCYFS keeps members abreast of the latest developments in the field. Our staff and members have a voice at workgroups and task forces that ultimately influence the operations and direction of Pennsylvania’s child serving system. PCCYFS diligently maintains consistent communication with members through regular e-communications such as a newsletter, regional meetings and a members-only website.

Professional Support

Through our sizable network of non-provider vendor members, agencies also have access to a pool of services, often at a discount, to support their agency business functions.

Educational &
Professional Development

PCCYFS works to promote high-caliber training resources to members. PCCYFS is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors as a provider of continuing education training units (CEU’s) for social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists in Pennsylvania.

Annual Conference

The PCCYFS Annual Conference is another opportunity for both professional development and networking. This two-day event presents sessions for the benefit of human services professionals related to leadership, research, clinical practice, technology, and other subject areas.

Special Events

PCCYFS occasionally hosts events on relevant topics impacting the areas in which we advocate. These events may be virtual or in-person to enhance networking opportunities.


PCCYFS affirms that a united voice for service providers across the Commonwealth is stronger and more effective than each organization working independently to achieve funding and legislative goals. Local, regional, and state legislators, government officials, and other decision makers trust PCCYFS because we are one voice representing many organizations and constituents.

Our lobbying efforts raise the profiles of the frontline issues providers face every day and are guided by our topline public policy priorities:

Workforce Development: better supports for the child-serving workforce to alleviate the overwhelming recruitment and retention challenges our members face.

Funding Structure: a fair and equitable funding structure to support the unique services that our members provide.

Liability Insurance: meaningful solutions to diminish the stresses and imbalances that liability insurance imposes upon our members.