Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate

Southeast Updates (Week of 9/27/2021)

On September 27, 2021, Philadelphia DHS released new guidance on: Required reporting by placement providers about children and youth who have been exposed to COVID-19. Who is required to be

  • On September 27, 2021, Philadelphia DHS released new guidance on:
    • Required reporting by placement providers about children and youth who have been exposed to COVID-19.
    • Who is required to be notified by placement providers when children and youth test positive for COVID-19.
    • The names of the DHS Pandemic Coordinator and Liaisons.
  • Philadelphia DHS Finance Department Update on Older Youth Extensions under the Consolidated Appropriations Act: September 30, 2021, marks the final day of automatic Older Youth Extensions, under the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Starting October 1, 2021, all youth who are committed to the Department of Human Services will need to have an updated Older Youth Extension.  DHS cannot pay for per diems of any youth without a valid and current Older Youth extension.  Please upload all Older Youth Extension documentation into PFDS including the most recent court order. ***This does not apply to the youth who are over 21 and currently in SIL placements. CWO is working on an individual plan for each of those youth and will not require an Older Youth Extension.*** If you have any questions, please reach out to JaneAnn Fritz at  As a reminder, the five categories that allow for a youth 18 and older to receive services are:
    • A – Youth is in High School or GED program (need to provide school roster, report card or letter from school)
    • B – Youth is in post high school (college) vocational or trade program
    • C – Youth is in a program to promote barriers to employment and achieve job readiness
    • D – Youth is working at least 80 hours a month (provide paystubs or letter from employer)
    • E – Youth has medical or behavioral health conditions (provide letter from the medical/behavioral health provider)
  • NEW Philadelphia DHS Guidance re: SSNs of Children and Youth in Foster Care: The American Rescue Plan signed by President Biden earlier this year expands the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC) for the 2021 tax year. The newly expanded CTC will provide $3,600 for each child aged 5 and younger, and $3,000 for each qualifying child between the ages of 6 – 17. For the first time, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) will begin making advance monthly payments of either $250 or $300 per child beginning July 15, 2021. The City of Philadelphia and the Department of Human Services encourages every eligible household to claim the CTC. This memorandum is to inform DHS staff and contracted providers about responsibilities regarding the new federal Child Tax Credit and releasing Social Security Numbers (SSN) of children and youth in foster care for child-related tax purposes. This guidance is effective immediately.
  • Delaware County Provider Meeting: The next Delaware County Provider Meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 8 from 10:00AM to 12:00PM. For Zoom details or to share any agenda items, please contact Samea Kim at