Southeast Updates (Week of 10/4/2021)
The Performance Management and Technology (PMT) Division of the Office of Children and Youth has scheduled the semi-annual virtual Provider Convening for Foster Care and Congregate Care Programs. Updates will …

- The Performance Management and Technology (PMT) Division of the Office of Children and Youth has scheduled the semi-annual virtual Provider Convening for Foster Care and Congregate Care Programs. Updates will be provided from the Office of Children and Youth Executive Leadership; PMT’s annual evaluation process, provider agency system updates, and few other topics applicable to all levels of care. The convening will take place on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 10:00AM-12:30PM. Registration is required by close of business on Friday, October 29, 2021. For additional information about this meeting, please contact Samea Kim at
- Anti-Violence Hotline RFP: Philadelphia recently released a Request for Proposals seeking applicants to support the launch of an Anti-Violence Hotline. The City is seeking proposals for services that would connect individuals who are at-risk for engaging violence or are in neighborhoods with high rates of violence to key resources. The goals of this project are to: 1) Reduce the likelihood of individuals to engage in violence by offering real time access to critical violence prevention intervention services and 2) Help individuals in communities experiencing high rates of violence to connect to support that will help them address trauma resulting from persistent gun violence as well as quality of life issues. Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply here (Opportunity # 21210923113859), and join the virtual pre-proposal conference on Wednesday at 11 am here. The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, October 29th.
- Philadelphia DHS’ next Child Welfare Oversight Board (CWOB) public meeting will be held on Monday, October 18, 2021. Please click on the link to register for the public session and then you will receive a calendar invitation.
- Delaware County distributed their most recent chain of command and staff contact list of their Placement staff. For a copy of the staff cell phone contact list, please contact Samea Kim at