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PCCYFS Advocates at House Hearing on Liability Insurance

On January 25, 2022, PCCYFS testified at a hearing on provider liability insurance issues, held by the House Children and Youth Committee. Specifically, the Committee focused on testimony in relation

On January 25, 2022, PCCYFS testified at a hearing on provider liability insurance issues, held by the House Children and Youth Committee. Specifically, the Committee focused on testimony in relation to House Bills 2213 and 2214, sponsored by Representative Kate Klunk.

The hearing began with a panel consisting of Terry Clark, President/CEO, PCCYFS; Chris Reed, Corporate Counsel for the Nonprofit Insurance Alliance; and John Ehresman, Vice President at Brown and Brown Insurance testifying in support of House Bills 2213 and 2214. A second panel of testimony consisted of Nadeem Bezar, Partner at Kline & Specter, also on behalf of the Pennsylvania Association for Justice in opposition to House Bill 2213. A third panel of testimony included Dr. Bill Vogler of Pinebrook Family Answers, and Laura Maines, of Every Child, Inc., offering support of the legislation and the provider perspective on liability insurance challenges.

Others submitted written testimony in relation to the legislation:

A recording of the hearing is available here.