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Memo With Intent Issued by PA State Rep. Kate Klunk to Introduce Legislation on Insurance Liability

Show Your Support by Contacting Your Legislator!

PA Representative Kate Klunk has issued a memo with intent to introduce legislation on insurance liability issues.

PCCYFS is sharing Rep. Klunk’s memo with you and requesting that you take ACTION by contacting your legislator and asking that they sign on to support the bill. 

Crafted in a concise manner, the memo helps fellow legislators and others understand the need for the legislation. It conveys the intent and anticipated impacts of the legislation and invites legislators to sign-on as a co-sponsor. If they do, their names will appear on the bill once it is introduced.

Once the bill has been drafted and vetted with partners, it is sent to the Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB). The LRB prepares bills and resolutions for introduction and advises legislators and committees. They review the bill for consistency with existing statutes, insert appropriate references, and ensure adherence to Pennsylvania’s rules.

Once out of LRB, the bill is introduced by the legislator and tagged with a bill number and Printer’s number. The bill number stays the same during the duration of the session. The Printer’s number changes with every amendment to the bill. The Chamber leader—the Speaker of the House or Senate President Pro Tempore—assigns the bill to the appropriate Committee.

While we are not sure at this point exactly to which committee this will be assigned, PCCYFS is asking you to take ACTION and contact your legislator and request that they sign on to support the bill. 

The legislators below have already signed on to co-sponsor the bill but we need as much support as we can muster!

Frank Ryan (R-Lebanon)
David Rowe (R-Snyder)
Dan Moul (R-Adams)
Karen Boback (R-Luzerne)
Jack Rader (R-Monroe)
Aaron Berstine (R-Lawrence)
Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler)
Tina Pickett (R-Bradford) 

Thank you!