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Join as a Member

Join PCCYFS and be part of a united voice for providers.

Why become a member?

For more than 46 years, Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth and Family
Services (PCCYFS) has been working to improve the quality of life for Pennsylvania’s at-risk children and youth and their families.

PCCYFS works on behalf of its members to break down barriers and build relationships between counties and service providers. PCCYFS identifies system efficiencies to enhance services and service delivery in ways that make the client’s experience more seamless. When special needs and issues arise, PCCYFS leverages the resources of its provider members to quickly identify the best resources to address the challenge and achieve successful resolution.


Key Benefits of Membership

Now more than ever before, agencies are finding strength, camaraderie, and success by joining forces and working together to address the needs of children, youth, and their families.

Key benefits include:

  • Advocacy
  • Member Exclusive Information
  • Membership Support Activities
  • Networking and Collaboration
  • Members-Only Events