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PCCYFS Legislative Update

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October 23, 2023 This week the House and Senate convened to for session to, once again, finalize portions of the state budget and address moving the presidential primary date for

PCCYFS Legislative Updates

September 29, 2023 Last week the House reconvened in session and left without the consideration of budget elements to free up over a billion dollars in state funding that is

PCCYFS Legislative Updates

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August 11, 2023 Bill Action and Introduction: HB 1600   Shusterman, Melissa(D) Amends the Human Services Code, in children and youth, further providing for availability of services, providing for purposes, further

PCCYFS Legislative Update

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July 21, 2023 Another relatively quiet week, but not without political jabs made across the aisle. Early in the week, House Majority Leader Matt Bradford (D-Montgomery) penned an op-ed that

PCCYFS Legislative Update

June 30, 2023 As the legislature barreled towards the end of the state fiscal year, Harrisburg was optimistic that a budget would be passed by the constitutional deadline of June

PCCYFS Legislative Update

June 16, 2023 This week the House was in session and the atmosphere, at times, reflected just how close the state budget deadline is.  Wednesday, contentious debate was had over