Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate


July 21, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 7/18/2022)

Philadelphia DHS/Office of Children and Families Update: Philadelphia Office of Children and Families announced that long-time Chief of Performance Management & Technology (PMT), Liza Rodriguez, will be transitioning from her ...

July 11, 2022

PCCYFS Philadelphia Foster Care Providers Meeting

Discussing upcoming evaluation and other priorities. For questions, contact Samea Kim at

July 8, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 7/8/2022)

The Philadelphia School District’s newly-appointed Superintendent Tony Watlington has outlined his 100-day plan, which includes a series of listening sessions for various stakeholders, including families, community groups, and others. Registration ...

June 6, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 6/6/2022)

Philadelphia RFPs: The City of Philadelphia’s Office of Criminal Justice (OCJ) seeks proposals from qualified vendors or entities for the purpose of providing social services and/or access to services to ...

May 24, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 5/23/2022)

The Prevention Services Unit of the DHS division of CWO issued a RFP to seek bids to provide full and pre and after child care services for children and youth ...

April 22, 2022

Southeast Membership Meeting

This is a regular meeting of our SE Region members. For questions about this meeting, please contact the Southeast office at

April 6, 2022

Pennsylvania lawmakers are trying to limit damage awards to kids injured in the child welfare system

PCCYFS President/CEO Terry Clark quoted

March 30, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 3/28/2022)

Philadelphia DHS RFP: The Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) is seeking qualified community-based organizations to provide site-based services to youth who are at risk, and who have come to ...

February 14, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 2/6/2022)

Philadelphia Foster Care Scorecard: On February 11, 2022, the Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) released their foster care provider scorecard. This scorecard covers fiscal year 2021 and incorporates a ...

February 4, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 1/31/2022)

Philadelphia DHS Resumes Cash Assistance for Youth: Eligible youth can apply to receive a one-time, direct payment of $800 to help cover basic needs like food, housing, and employment. The ...