Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate


February 23, 2022

PCCYFS Education Services Workgroup

For questions about this meeting, please contact Abigail Wilson at

February 23, 2022

PCCYFS Public Policy Committee

For questions about this meeting, please contact Abigail Wilson at

February 14, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 2/6/2022)

Philadelphia Foster Care Scorecard: On February 11, 2022, the Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) released their foster care provider scorecard. This scorecard covers fiscal year 2021 and incorporates a ...

February 4, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 1/31/2022)

Philadelphia DHS Resumes Cash Assistance for Youth: Eligible youth can apply to receive a one-time, direct payment of $800 to help cover basic needs like food, housing, and employment. The ...

February 3, 2022

Govenor Wolf Announces $1.7 Billion Plan to Secure a Brighter Pennsylvania for Generations

Proposed plan to include funding for The PA Opportunity Program, Small Business Support, Increased Property Relief for Low-Income Renters & Homeowners, Support for Pennsylvania’s Healthcare System, Investing in Conservation, Recreation & Preservation,

February 1, 2022

SE Region Membership Meeting

For questions about this meeting, contact the SE Office at

January 26, 2022

PCCYFS Advocates at House Hearing on Liability Insurance

On January 25, 2022, PCCYFS testified at a hearing on provider liability insurance issues, held by the House Children and Youth Committee. Specifically, the Committee focused on testimony in relation ...

January 12, 2022

Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services (DBHIDS) and Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) Provider Virtual Townhall with Health Commissioner Dr. Bettigole

1/21/2022 at 1pm

January 10, 2022

Southeast Updates (Week of 1/10/2022)

On January 10, 2022, Philadelphia DHS released their quarterly indicators report for Quarter 1 of Fiscal Year 2022. The report is available here. On January 13, 2022, Philadelphia Mayor Jim ...

December 13, 2021

Southeast Updates (Week of 12/13/2021)

DHS Children with Extraordinary Medical Conditions Procedure/Policy Change: On December 13, 2021, Philadelphia DHS released a policy on informing CWO staff of their responsibilities regarding planning and case management for ...