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December 20, 2023

Behavioral Health Updates

Managed Care Oganizations Updates as of 12.20.2023

December 13, 2023

PCCYFS Legislative Update

December 8, 2023 Another quiet week last week in terms of bill action as both chambers were not in session. However, staff worked diligently throughout the week and continued to ...

December 6, 2023

Behavioral Health Updates

Managed Care Organizations Updates as of 12.6.2023

December 4, 2023

Office of Children, Youth and Families Release: Policy Clarification #3680-23-02: Annual Audit

The Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) Policy Clarification #3680-23-02 has been released. This policy clarification addresses the topic about whether or not the 2022-02 Introduction to DHS Audit Policy Bulletin ...

December 1, 2023

News from Philadelphia DHS re: CUAs – UPDATED 12/1

On December 1, 2023, Philadelphia DHS released the following message regarding their CUA transition. Good Afternoon – As you know, Improving Outcomes for Children’s system transformation is a critical part ...

December 1, 2023

BULLETIN OMHSAS-23-01 REDISTRIBUTION: Act 65 of 2020: Consent to Mental Health Treatment for Minors

12/1/2023 The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is redistributing Bulletin OMHSAS-23-01 to all mental health providers to ensure they are following Act 65 of 2020 (“Act ...

November 29, 2023

PCCYFS Article: The Children’s Behavioral Health Services Workforce Shortage And Who It Affects

11/29/2023The Fall/Winter 2023 edition of Healing Magazine focuses its “Spotlight” section on the evolving mental health workforce and on the impact workforce shortages have on the providing of care amid ...

November 22, 2023

Behavioral Health Updates

Managed Care organizations Updates as of 11.22.2023

November 13, 2023

PCCYFS Legislative Update

October 27, 2023 This week the Senate’s work centralized primarily on Senate Bill 7, sponsored by Senator Ryan Aument. This bill is being called by opponents as a “book ban” ...

November 9, 2023

High turnover in County Children and Youth Agencies is directly impacting families in the system

Staffing within the child welfare system can have direct impacts on the children and families within it.