Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate
2022 Spring Conference

Speaker Bio – Kristin Aherns

Kristin Aherns

Deputy Secretary, PA Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs


Kristin Ahrens currently serves as the Deputy Secretary for Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) within the Department of Human Services. Prior to her appointment as Deputy Secretary, Ms. Ahrens served as the Director of the Bureau of Policy and Quality Management at ODP. Kristin also served as the Policy Director for Pennsylvania’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.  Ms. Ahrens’ 30 years of experience working with people with developmental disabilities, spans from advocacy and community education to providing supported living, family support and self-directed services and includes development and management of several self-directed models.  Prior to moving to Pennsylvania, Ms. Ahrens was the Director of Self-Determination Resources, Inc. (SDRI), a regional brokerage serving adults with I/DD, in Oregon.  Ms. Ahrens has a Master’s in Education and Disability Studies Certificate from Temple University.