Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate

Provider Agency Membership

Provider Agency Membership is available to any human service provider agency within Pennsylvania serving the child welfare, juvenile probation, children's behavioral health or education systems.

Membership Overview

Provider Members are welcome to attend meetings, serve on agency workgroups, act in advisory capacities, and promote the priorities of the Council. They can also chair PCCYFS committees and be a voting member of the PCCYFS Board of Directors. Provider Members are entitled to receive access to PCCFYS newsletters, distributions, and information sharing. Provider Members are invited to all member-only events and are entitled to member pricing for agency trainings and events such as the annual conference.

The PCCYFS membership year is July 1 through June 30. Membership renews automatically and updated annual dues invoices are sent to members each subsequent fiscal year. Normally, annual membership dues can be recalculated without members giving additional information, but occassionally members are asked to provide updated fiscal documents.

Any requests to cancel membership, or any documents that need to be provided to support a membership application should be e-mailed to, or mailed to: PCCYFS, 3425 Simpson Ferry Road, Suite 201, Camp Hill, PA 17011. The scope of supports delivered through PCCYFS includes the full array of services needed by at-risk children and youth – behavioral health, education, child welfare and juvenile justice – providing an integrated approach to membership services. Adherence to this basis for calculating dues is necessary to fund PCCYFS operations and to provide equity across the diverse composition of children, youth and family service agency members.

Graduated Dues Assessment

Each Provider Member agency has their organizations fiscal information analyzed to determine the appropriate annual dues amount. Please click “Dues Calculation Details” for a detailed explanation on how annual dues are calculated.

An agency’s dues are calculated based on the total operational expenses of the agency for related programs. These include an agency’s children, youth and family programs in Pennsylvania, including child welfare, juvenile justice, children’s mental/behavioral health and education (adult services and child day care are excluded from the dues assessment). All programs within these categories funded by federal, state, county, or behavioral health managed care organizations (BH-MCO’s) are included for dues assessment. Any questions related to annual dues calculations can be directed to

Method of Payment

For new members, an invoice for calculated dues will be sent upon receipt of the membership application in accordance with the payment schedule selected on the application and are due upon receipt of the invoice. For existing members, updated invoices will be sent for each subsequent fiscal year. Dues invoices are sent via Quickbooks Online and can be paid via bank transfer or paper check.