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Philadelphia DHS Revised Human Trafficking Policy

On July 23, 2021, Philadelphia DHS released the following message and documents: The Department of Human Services has revised the Human Trafficking policy and procedure guide. Children and youth identified

On July 23, 2021, Philadelphia DHS released the following message and documents:

The Department of Human Services has revised the Human Trafficking policy and procedure guide. Children and youth identified as victims of sex or labor trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act are victims of child abuse and neglect. DHS Social Work Services Mangers and CUA Case Managers will identify, report, and ensure the safety of all children and youth involved in the child welfare system who are victims or possible victims of human trafficking.  Child and youth victims or possible victims of human trafficking will have their physical and mental health needs met in the least restrictive setting, within their own homes and communities if possible and appropriate. They will be involved in the planning for placement, treatment, and services whenever age and developmentally appropriate.

Attached you will find the following documents: