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Pennsylvania Secure Detention Analysis: Impact of Facility Closures on Accessibility of Services Resource

The Pennsylvania Secure Detention Analysis: Impact of Facility Closures on Accessibility of Services is a report from the Juvenile Court Judges Commission released in December 2021. Key Takeaways from the

The Pennsylvania Secure Detention Analysis: Impact of Facility Closures on Accessibility of Services is a report from the Juvenile Court Judges Commission released in December 2021.

Key Takeaways from the report include:

  1. Access to secure detention beds is down.
  2. Some juvenile probation departments are impacted by this more than others.
  3. Frequently, detention beds are available, but admissions are denied.
  4. The median length of stay in detention has nearly doubled, further exacerbating the availability of beds.
  5. Consequently, juvenile probation departments are traveling longer distances now to access secure detention beds compared to 10 years ago.
  6. Collectively, these issues are putting a serious strain on juvenile probation departments.
  7. Finally, community safety issues remain a concern.

For more information, please see the full report below.