Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate

PCCYFS Supporting Member enkompasBI: Value Based Purchasing Strategies for Providers

Business Intelligence Platform

Value Based Purchasing is a buzz term in the Health and Human Services field. When criteria are met that are established, providers are rewarded. Value based programs are developed for many different service models and require a set list of information and data based on claims, service delivery and outcomes be shared with funding sources.

Gathering this information can be cumbersome and the need to develop a way to obtain this data within a provider organization may take a lot of work and time. PCCYFS Supporting Member enkompassBI offers a business intelligence platform that delivers management insights needed to not just survive – but thrive – in a VBR world (watch this video to see how). Check out this article – Preparing for Value Based: Build vs. Buy – from enkompassBI, for information about how they may be able to assist providers.