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PA Insurance Dept. & DHS Issue Survey re: Provider Liability Insurance

On March 28, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) issued a survey for child welfare providers regarding the increasing cost of professional liability insurance.

On March 28, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) issued a survey for child welfare providers regarding the increasing cost of professional liability insurance. This issue is a priority for PCCYFS and we urge our child welfare/foster care members to complete the survey. The message from both agencies states:

As you may know, the Wolf Administration has been in contact with stakeholders regarding the cost of child abuse liability insurance for certain providers serving children. The Insurance Department and the Department of Human Services (DHS) have developed a joint survey to gather additional information to further understand the scope of the issue. This survey aims to collect data from providers about the companies writing these policies as well as the historical and current cost of insurance premiums for child abuse liability coverage. The Insurance Department and DHS will analyze the results to inform stakeholders on this topic. 

Please provide your responses in the attached template to Shannon Kost, Property and Casualty Insurance Actuarial Associate, at skost@pa.gov by Friday, April 15, 2022. 

Questions about the survey can be directed to Mike McKenney, Property and Casualty Insurance Actuarial Supervisor, at 717-705-0166 and/or mmckenney@pa.gov.