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Office of Children, Youth and Families Bulletin 3140-23-04: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Act 148 Invoicing & Medicaid Invoicing Procedures for County Child Welfare Services

Below please find the Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) Bulletin 3140-23-04, titled “Fiscal Year 2022-23 Act 148 Invoicing & Medicaid Invoicing Procedures for County Child Welfare Services”. The

Below please find the Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) Bulletin 3140-23-04, titled “Fiscal Year 2022-23 Act 148 Invoicing & Medicaid Invoicing Procedures for County Child Welfare Services”.
The purpose of this bulletin is to advice County Children and Youth Agencies (CCYAs) of the p...

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