No-Cost Naloxone for Pennsylvanians
Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) encouraging individuals, organizations, and agencies to learn how to gain access to naloxone to help save lives

Naloxone saves lives by reversing opioid overdoses. In addition to efforts like expanding access to treatment, services, and supports for people with substance use disorder (SUD), naloxone is a critical tool in Pennsylvania’s efforts to address the opioid epidemic.
Since 2017, the Wolf Administration has taken a number of steps to increase naloxone access for people and communities across Pennsylvania who need it the most. As we continue to deal with the mental and behavioral health impacts brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we realize the fight is far from over. We are again seeing an uptick in drug overdose deaths, and the vast majority of these deaths are opioid- and fentanyl-related.
Pennsylvanians can play an important role in addressing this public health crisis. By being prepared, learning the signs of overdose and how to respond, and getting naloxone, you can help save lives. As a commonwealth we are anticipating a significant supply of naloxone in the coming months. The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs encourages you to learn about the ways individuals, organizations, and agencies can access naloxone. Please see the attached one-page PDF for resources to access no-cost naloxone in Pennsylvania.