Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services Donate

KidsPeace Gave Me Hope

Read an inspirational message from a past participant of a KidsPeace residential program.

KidsPeace receives a number of calls and emails from both past youth and current community providers sharing their story of the impact our programs and treatment has had on their life and those they serve.

When Katrina, a past youth in our residential program, reached out to KidsPeace to share her story, we were moved and inspired by her commitment to treatment and making her tomorrow a better day.

Please click on the “KidsPeace gave me hope” box below to hear Katrina speak to her hardships and how KidsPeace provided care and treatment that made the difference in her life.

Hope. Help. Healing.

To hear other KidsPeace Success Stories please visit our webpage at Please reach out with any questions, either via email or at the phone number below. If you are working with a youth requiring residential care, contact our Admissions team at 1.800.854.3123 or email,, to make a referral.