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Jackie’s Story

Hoffman Homes’ therapies aided youth in working through her struggles and securing her future.

Story Courtesy of Hoffman Homes:

Jackie is a vibrant, thoughtful and soft-spoken 17-year-old who loves Mustangs, art and
country singer Brad Paisley. Not long ago, she fell in with a different crowd of kids at
school and became a frequent runaway, struggling with issues related to drug use and
self-harm. At her lowest point, she met someone on the Internet who, she says,
“changed my life in a very negative way.”

After an eight-month stay with Hoffman Homes that included full range of therapies—
individual, group, pet, horse and (her favorite) art therapy— Jackie is in a positive state
of mind and optimistic about her future. “At Hoffman, they understand what you’re going
through and they know how to help,” she says.

Adjusting to living in a residential treatment facility was hard at first, but after a short
while, she got used to it and began to thrive, making friends and finding her inner artist.
“I really liked art therapy, because I’m creative, and I found that I could get my emotions
out through my art.” Jackie also liked one-on-one sessions with her therapist, Jen,
whom she credits in large part for her recovery. “She’s like my best friend,” Jackie says.
“I can be completely honest with her and she gives me honest feedback, without sugarcoating

Though Jackie looks forward to living back home with her family, she has come to
appreciate her time at Hoffman Homes. “I’m glad I got help here. Because of my care, I
know I am a success…It helped me a lot.” After leaving Hoffman, Jackie wants to start
looking at colleges and plans to become a mechanic someday—a bright and successful
future she’s more than ready to embrace.

Her treatment has given her the perspective to offer advice to other young people
coping with similar issues. “No matter how hard it is, you can make it through,” Jackie
advises. “Remember, you’re worth it…If you need help, you can find it at Hoffman

What would she change about Hoffman Homes if she could? “I would love a music
therapy program,” she says. “Music is a good way to relax,” and, like art, it’s a safe and
creative way to express emotions. “When I’m sad, music makes me happy.” Especially
Brad Paisley.
Jackie’s Life Lessons Learned at Hoffman Homes*:
• It’s good to be honest.
• People care about me.
• I’m worth it.
• It’s bad to do drugs.
• I can change if I want to.
• Brad Paisley rocks! (But, tbh, I knew that even before I got to Hoffman…)
*The Great News: Shortly after she shared her story, Jackie was
successfully discharged and is now living at home with her family.