Governor Wolf Signs Bill Extending Waivers to Assist Continued Recovery from Pandemic
Senate Bill 1019, also Act 14 of 2022, signed into law

Governor Wolf signs Senate Bill 1019 (Act 14 of 2022) into law which temporarily extends certain suspensions of regulations under the COVID-19 disaster declaration. This extension will go until 6/30/2022. No PA Department of Human Services – Office of Children, Youth & Families (OCYF) regulatory waivers have been extended under this bill. However, there are some PA Department of Human Services – Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) regulatory waivers that are extended under this bill. Telehealth related waivers that have been granted with an April 1, 2022 start date will be good through March 31, 2023 and DO NOT need to be resubmitted. Should the legislation expire without another act, the waiver will be good for the remainder of the time period. If you have any questions, please email to Please read the PRESS RELEASE for more details.