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Federal Funding Opportunities: U.S. Department of Education

Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity for the School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program Positive mental health contributes to success in life and supports our emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Increasing

Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity for the School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program

Positive mental health contributes to success in life and supports our emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Increasing mental health needs in children and youth due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and other traumatic events such as community violence and Adverse Childhood Experiences have resulted in an increase in mental health needs. These have contributed to challenges in their overall well-being, and in their ability to fully engage in learning. The purpose of this program is to increase the number of credentialed school-based mental health services providers in state and local educational agencies, particularly by increasing recruitment and retention-related activities. It is also intended to increase incentives to promote the re-specialization and professional retraining of existing mental health services providers. It will serve to increase the diversity, and cultural and linguistic competency, of school-based mental health services providers, including competency in providing culturally sustaining and asset-based services.

For further information, contact:

Amy Banks U.S. Department of Education (202) 453–6704.  

Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity for the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program

Positive mental health is important in every stage in life. It affects how we think, feel, act, handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health support also improves educational opportunities for children and youth by creating conditions where students can learn, affecting life success. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic and other traumatic events such as community violence and Adverse Childhood Experiences have resulted in an increase in mental health needs. The purpose of this program is to provide training to post-secondary education graduate students in school-based mental health fields through partnerships between local educational agencies or state educational agencies and institutes of higher education. This program is intended to increase the number and diversity of high-quality, trained providers available to address the shortages of mental health services professionals in schools served by high-need local educational agencies. 

For further information, contact:

Nicole White U.S. Department of Education (202) 453–6729.