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Department of Human Services Suspension of Various Regulatory Provisions to Expire September 30, 2021

Per Act 21 of 2021, the suspension of various regulatory provisions under the state disaster emergency declaration will expire on September 30, 2021. A list of the regulations that were

Per Act 21 of 2021, the suspension of various regulatory provisions under the state disaster emergency declaration will expire on September 30, 2021. A list of the regulations that were suspended in whole or in part and their current status is available on the Department of Human Services (DHS) website. Continue to watch this page for additional updates as September 30th approaches.

In addition to these regulations, some regulations have been reinstated. Those regulations are also designated in the list on the DHS website.

Please note that the September 30th expiration date only affects state regulations that were suspended under the state disaster emergency declaration. Federal flexibilities provided under the federal public health emergency will remain in place as long as the federal public health emergency remains in place as long as the federal public health emergency remains in effect. On July 19, 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) extended the federal public health emergency to October 17, 2021 (90 days). Please visit the Public Health Emergency website regularly for updates on the federal public health emergency.

Additionally, in a letter to state governors dated January 22, 2021, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary indicated the department will provide states with 60-days’ notice before terminating the federal declaration.

As we move closer to September 30, 2021, if there are special instructions on the reimplementation of any of the suspended regulations, additional guidance will be provided. Additionally, specific questions may be submitted to your respective licensing office. DHS appreciates your patience through this process.