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Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF), Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services (BJJS), Loysville Complex: Seeking a contractor to provide Outpatient Services to adjudicated juveniles (consumers) residing at the Loysville Youth Development Center (LYDC)

Loysville YDC at 8 Opportunity Drive, Loysville, PA 17047 in Perry County is seeking to contract with an outpatient mental health service provider.

PCCYFS learned of this opportunity on 3/23/2022 and wanted to pass it along.

Quantities listed are estimates and may increase or decrease based on the needs of the facility. The term of this contract is anticipated to begin May 9, 2022 and end May 8, 2027 or Five Years Later. Bids are due April 11, 2022, 1:00 PM and must be submitted electronically. Late bids will be disqualified. Contractors must enter firm prices for all contracted years and provide appropriate responses to all “Mandatory Attributes” contained in the solicitation. Failure to submit bid as described may result in yours being rejected as a non-responsive bidder.

The following documents are incorporated by reference: • Statement of Work • Terms and Conditions • DHS Addendum • Business Associate Addendum (HIPAA) Contractors’ electronic submission must include the following as attachments. Failure to submit these items may result in the rejection of the Contractor’s submission: • MA Rate Certification Form • Signed bid response ONLY ELECTRONIC BID RESPONSES WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR SUBMISSION.

All bidders are responsible for monitoring the DGS emarketplace website to view any change notices to this Invitation For Bid (IFB). The change notices shall become incorporated as part of this bid. In order to submit your Bid Response, interested vendors must be registered.

To register, obtain a vendor number and to allow for submission of an online bid, please visit www.pasupplierportal.state.pa.us You may refer to the SRM Bidding Reference Guide on the Supplier Service Center for bidding instruction or contact the helpdesk at (877) 435-7363, choose option 2. Questions regarding bidding on this solicitation: Tami Myers, Purchasing Agent, 717-789-5509 or RA-PWBIDQUESTIONS@pa.gov.

Award will be made based on lowest and responsible and responsive bidder and will be based off of the MA Rate Certification Form Submitted. All references to a “Purchase Order” in the terms and conditions or within the Solicitation documentation shall be substituted with either the term Contract, or the phrase “formal written notice to proceed” as appropriate or vice versa. This electronic Invitation For Bid will result in a paper Funds Commitment contract. The supplier does not have to submit the Contract Signature Page. This is on file for the awarding supplier to see what they will have to fill out. The contractor is to provide Outpatient Services at Medical Assistance rates plus or minus an optional percentage of charges. The fee schedule can be found at: http://www.dhs.state.pa.us/publications/forproviders/schedules/mafeeschedules/outpatientfeeschedule/index.htm The contractor is required to submit the attached MA Rate Acceptance Certification, which also identifies the optional percentage rate you will be requesting if you choose to add a percentage. Total Estimated Service Cost of $49,000. For purposes of the electronic submission, all responders should bid $1.00 each as the unit price on the bid, so that the total cost of the estimated service will then be $49,000 for the total amount of the bid for all service lines. Invoice prices will be based off the MA Rate Certification Form filled out on.

Public bid openings consist of a Commonwealth procurement representative electronically accessing or opening timely received bids. The representative announces the suppliers whose bids were timely received and the total bid amount to those present at the bid opening except where it is deemed unreasonable to read the bid amount due to complexity or large number of line items. Suppliers are not permitted to review bids at the opening. The bid tabulation will be posted to www.eMarketplace.state.pa.us as soon as practicable after the opening. Awarded contracts are posted to eMarketplace after they become fully executed.

You may view the bid online at eMarketplace or by clicking here.