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The Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

An overview of the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard for providers, foster parents, agencies and others who work with children in the child welfare system.

The federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014 requires states to implement a “reasonable and prudent parenting standard” that gives resource caregivers the ability to make important day-to-day decisions regarding the children in their care. Under this standard, resource caregivers can decide what extracurricular, social and sport activities children participate in. This training will provide an overview of the standard and will help case managers and other staff guide resource caregivers in making healthy, developmentally appropriate choices for the children in their care. Any relevant updates will also be reviewed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to summarize/paraphrase the key points of the reasonable and prudent parent standard;
  • Understand how to communicate this standard to resource caregivers;
  • Give examples of allowable activities under the standard.