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Ethical Dilemmas for Management

Front line staff can be an agency’s greatest resource when supervisory vacancies arise. These individuals can be some of the most committed and mission-driven. Moreover, having done direct service work with the organization, they bring a unique perspective. Promoting front line staff can also benefit workplace and staff morale and lead to greater buy-in and staff commitment.  In order to ensure that these staff  members are ready to step into a leadership role, they need to be ready to take on new challenges. In their new roles they may find themselves supervising former peers. Some former line staff may have a hard time letting go of their direct service work and setting up professional boundaries with former clients. This training is designed to help them develop the skills they need to successfully transition from case manager to supervisor!

Learning Objectives:

· Review Core Values of the NASW Code of Ethics

· Review and apply the NASW Standards to workplace dilemmas 

· Review and apply the 8 steps of ethical decision making

· Review and apply how to respond to an ethical dilemma