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Behavioral Health Updates

Managed Care Organization Updates 10/13/2021

PerformCare – Echo Health Provider Payment Guide

PerformCare updated its electronic billing services webpage and added the latest Echo Health Provider Payment Guide (PDF).

To access these and other resources for prompt payment for services provided to members, visit PerformCare’s website.

PerformCare – 2022 Treatment Record Review (TRR) Tools and Suicide Prevention Information for Providers

Now Online: Suicide Prevention Information for Providers:

PerformCare is proud to share a new initiative on suicide prevention with their network of providers. They will introduce brief communications every other month related to clinical best practice standards on assessment, treatment, and management of clients with suicidal thinking, starting with our first memo, Information for Providers on Managing Clients with Suicidal Thinking (PDF). Access this memo and find additional resources on PerformCare’s website.
Access the 2022 TRR Tools:

The 2022 Treatment Record Review (TRR) tools have been posted on PerformCare’s provider website. Access the TRR tools on their Quality Forms page. The 2022 TRR tools are the same as the 2021 tools. There were no changes made to the tools. PerformCare reminds all providers within their network of the following: TRRs are completed to monitor adherence to record standards and to help improve the overall quality of treatment and services being provided to members. TRR tools are based on HealthChoices regulations, PerformCare policies and procedures, current behavioral health initiatives, and best-practice guidelines; however, they are not meant to be an all-inclusive compliance tool. It is the responsibility of all providers to be aware of and ensure compliance with all regulations relevant to each level of care they are providing. For additional information regarding the TRR process, please visit their TRR page.

If you have any questions, contact Karrie Graybill, Quality Performance Specialist, at kgraybill@performcare.org.  

Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Provider Notice: Change in Authorization Numbers

CBH is converting to a new enterprise system that will control the production of authorizations and the ongoing maintenance of provider contracts (Schedule A). The implementation of our new enterprise system will require a change in authorization numbers.

CBH will migrate the ACT (800-19) and Non-Fidelity ACT (800-3 & 800-

24) level of care (LOC) to the new enterprise system, which will result in the creation of new authorization numbers. CBH will end date the current authorization numbers on October 1, 2021 and generate new authorization numbers for the ACT (800-19) LOC and Non-Fidelity ACT LOC (800-3 & 800-24) as of October 2, 2021.

New authorization numbers will be communicated directly to all providers impacted by this change once the authorizations have been migrated into the new enterprise system.

Community Behavioral Health (CBH) Training – Helping the Helper

Dr. Paul Grant and Dr. Ellen Inverso from the Beck Institute will lead a Helping the Helper session. These sessions are designed to be a space of support and connection for mental health workers and clinicians as we continue to adjust to changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Click here for registration

Beacon Health Options – Provider Alert # 8.21.9: Use of Valproic Acid in Women and Girls of Childbearing Potential

At Beacon Health Options they strive to share important clinical information to support their Provider Community in the delivery of valuable services to those they all serve. This alert is intended to remind prescribers of serious adverse effects when valproic acid products are used with women who are or may become pregnant.

Use of Valproic Acid in Women and Girls of Childbearing Potential

Beacon Health Options – Request For Proposal (RFP) Issued: Substance Use Disorder Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Faith-Based Treatment Services for Westmoreland County

Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania, in partnership with Southwest Behavioral Health Management and Westmoreland Drug and Alcohol Commission, have issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for:   Substance Use Disorder Outpatient and IOP Faith-Based Treatment Services for Westmoreland County  

Click here to see the complete RFP:   Westmoreland County Substance Use Disorder Outpatient and IOP Faith-Based Tx Services  

Responses to this RFP must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 12, 2021.