Behavioral Health Updates
Managed Care Organizations Updates 3/16/2022

Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania – Updated Covered Services Grid
The Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania’s Covered Services Grid has been updated effective February 21, 2022. This grid lists all the service classes, modifiers, and service codes for authorizations and billing purposes. Changes/updates are highlighted in orange.
Please view the most recent version by visiting this page and clicking on the text, “The most recent version”.
Please note that since this grid is updated regularly, it is advisable to save the above mentioned page and then click on the hyperlinked text to ensure you can get to the most recent version.
Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania – Penn Medicine Offers Tobacco Use Treatment into Healthcare Trainings** Scholarships Available **
Integration of tobacco treatment skills into the daily routines of healthcare is a prerequisite for achieving the highest quality outcomes. Penn Medicine’s highly interactive training program is designed to help providers develop expertise through a concentrated examination of accepted standards of care, analysis of current research findings, and hands-on application of specialized treatment principles. The course is organized into four uniquely themed, day-long seminars. The goal for each day is to lead the student to a progressively deeper understanding of the biological, social, and environmental factors that influence the tobacco epidemic. Attendance for all four sessions is a prerequisite to developing a deeper perspective on the issues surrounding effective tobacco dependence treatment. The training starts on March 28, 2022. Several full tuition scholarships ($1000 value) are available through the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. Scholarships are appropriate for healthcare providers from disciplines with both direct and indirect patient care responsibility.
Six scholarships are available for the upcoming Penn Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training from 3/28-3/31/22. Interested applicants can complete and submit this application to apply.
More information on this training can be found here: Training Opportunities for Penn’s Smoking Treatment Program.
Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania – March issue of ValueAdded, monthly provider newsletter
Issue Highlights …
- Register Now: Re-Training Webinars on Prior Auth Process for SUD Providers
- Serious Reportable Events Training (formerly Critical Incidents)
- New! IBHS Corner
- What is a Certified Recovery Specialist
And much more!
Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania – Request for Proposals (RFPs) for: Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners (CRNPs)
Deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 7, 2022. Please view the RFP in its entirety here:
CRNPs for Lawrence County HealthChoices Members
Submissions: Email a completed copy of the signed RFP to: Please type the title of the RFP and your organization’s name in the subject line.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Methadone Maintenance Treatment (Request For Proposal) RFP: Notification of the Right to Negotiate
CBH has released the Notification of the Right to Negotiate for the Methadone Maintenance Treatment RFP.
Please click here to view the Notification.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Provider Bulletin 22-05
CBH has issued Provider Bulletin 22-05: When Methadone Prescriber and the Substance Use Disorder Treatment Provider Are Not Within the Same Agency. This Bulletin aims to inform Providers about coordinating treatment programs to ensure Members receive treatment based on their needs and preferences.
Please click here to view the Bulletin.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Provider Bulletin 22-06
CBH has issued Provider Bulletin 22-06: American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Value Based Payment (VBP) (Case Rate) Arrangement, which aims to alert Providers of the implementation of the ASAM VBP arrangement (case rate) effective April 1, 2022.
Please click here to view the Bulletin.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Community Autism Peer Specialist (CAPS) Request For Proposal (RFP): Q&A
CBH has released the Community Autism Peer Specialist (CAPS) RFP Q&A.
Please click here to view the Q&A.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs Substance Use Disorder Flyer
As part of its Get Help Now campaign, the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has released a flyer with helpful information about substance use disorder treatment resources. We encourage Providers to share the flyer when appropriate.
Please click here to view the flyer.
PerformCare – Provider Profiling Year-End Reports
The most recent provider profiling year-end reports are now available on PerformCare’s website. These reports provide information for the fiscal year 2020 – 2021 (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021) for the following levels of care:
- Community-based mental health services
- Family-based mental health services
- Mental health inpatient services
- Mental health outpatient services
- Mental health partial hospitalization
- Residential treatment facilities
- Substance use inpatient services
- Substance use outpatient services
PerformCare encourages providers to review these reports and use the findings to help inform member care.
PerformCare – Reporting Social Determinants of Health Diagnoses
PerformCare issued notice AD 22 100: Reporting Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Diagnoses (PDF) to provide additional details about submitting Z codes on claims.
Read the notice to get a complete listing of all Z codes and learn about new codes. Access this and other notices on PerformCare’s website.