Behavioral Health Updates
Managed Care Organizations Update 11/10/2021

PerformCare – Electronic Billing Services Updates
PerformCare updated its electronic billing services webpage and added the latest Echo Health Provider Payment Guide (PDF) as well as information on reporting and analytics support for historical claims and remits.
To access these and other resources for prompt payment for services provided to members, visit PerformCare’s website.
PerformCare – Member Language Data Sorted by County
In order to assist providers with understanding the demographics of PerformCare’s HealthChoices population, PerformCare is sharing membership data that includes the primary languages spoken by their members.
Access the data and more information about its use in our provider notice AD 21 107: Recipient Language by County (PDF).
Access this and other notices on PerformCare’s website.
PerformCare – Alternate Payment Arrangement Update for Capital Area Behavioral Health Collaborative (CABHC) Providers
PerformCare released a notice for CABHC providers on the latest information regarding alternative payment arrangements (PDF). Access this and all updates on CABHC alternative payment arrangements on PerformCare’s website.
PerformCare – Now Online: Report of Restraint or Seclusion
PerformCare updated its Report of Restraint or Seclusion form (PDF). Download the form and learn more about restraint and seclusion monitoring on PerformCare’s website.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) Mini Sessions
This December, CT-R experts from the Beck Institute will lead three mini-sessions about practical CT-R interventions and ways providers can partner with clients and families to develop shared goals.
Thursday, December 2
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy for Youth: Aspirations and Empowerment
This session will focus on practical CT-R interventions for youth to build momentum for engagement, pursue meaningful aspirations and values, reduce the impact of self-stigma related to mental health challenges, and empower their best self.
Thursday, December 9
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Collaborating with families to bring out their best: a Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy approach
This session will illustrate ways providers can partner with members’ family and loved ones, including how to develop shared goals and stronger family dynamics.
Thursday, December 16
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Building trust with members who are reluctant to engage: Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy
This session will present practical ways to extend your reach to members who are disengaged from mental health providers, with the aim of empowering their pursuit of a desired life.
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Provider Bulletin 21-16: Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) Requirements for Psychiatric Outpatient Services
CBH has updated the requirements for CRNPs working in Psychiatric Outpatient levels of care. The new Bulletin supersedes Bulletin 16-08 and aligns more closely with the most recent Commonwealth requirements. For further information on this Provider Bulletin, please contact
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) – Provider Notice: Change to Significant Incident Reporting
A change was made to DBHIDS/CBH Provider Bulletin #18-13 regarding the Significant Incident Reporting of missing, at-risk persons. Click here to view the full Notice. Please direct any questions about this Notice to Patience Guar, Manager of Provider Monitoring, at 267-602-2110.
Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania – Request for Proposals (RFP)
RFP issued for Youth and Young Adult Mental Health Peer Support Services
Click here to see the complete RFP:
Youth and Young Adult Mental Health Peer Support Services
This is a standing RFP. There is no deadline for responses. Responses will be reviewed monthly.