An Introduction to Choice Theory/Reality Therapy: Can You Actually Control Someone’s Behavior?
Have you ever been frustrated or confused by another’s behavior, especially in the workplace? By exploring personality theory and the MBTI personality assessment tool we can learn more about not only ourselves, but also others and how to best relate and work with them.
Have you ever found yourself trying to manage someone else’s behaviors? This can be both a frustrating and daunting task at times. By learning Choice Theory principals, it may help to view things differently and with trying various or alternative approaches. During this 2-hour webinar we will explore an introduction to Choice Theory principals (by William Glasser), some of which state that:
- All we do is behave/all behavior is purposeful
- Almost all behavior is chosen
- We are driven to satisfy five basic human needs: survival, love and belonging, power,freedom, and fun
- We can only satisfy our needs by matching the pictures in our “Quality World” – thesepictures motivate our behavior
- One of the most important human basic needs is love and belonging
During this webinar we will also explore and discuss:
- The Seven Caring Habits (to replace external control psychology and the Seven Deadly Habits)
- An overview of Choice Theory, a model of hope and empowerment
- External control vs internal motivation for ourselves and others
- That the only person’s behavior we can actually control is our own
- Approaches aligned with this model, such as Reality Therapy